CFP Now Open: Free Java @ FOSDEM 2011

Join us at FOSDEM 2011 to be a part of our sessions where we’ll discuss the state of Free Java!

Our theme is “Java Sans Frontières”

  • Why Free Java technology is awesome
  • Standing on the Shoulders of Free Java
  • The future of Free Java

The Call For Participation is OPEN NOW, but closes on 3rd December…
So send in a talk proposal today and join us in Brussels 5-6 February!


  • Engage in scintillating discussions with smart hackers over world famous Belgian Beer
  • Join the Web of Trust by getting your strong new key signed
  • Indulge in exquisite chocolate
  • Visit historic Brussels within walking distance

Why the Free Java DevJam?

  • This is the most significant non-commercial, neutral environment for Java developers to meet
  • Learn how to get involved in technical Free Java projects
  • We will not shy away from politics (especially this year)!
  • We will get together for an awesome Dinner
  • You will meet historic hackers in the evolution of Free Java

Please join the list for general discussion about the event.

To submit a formal Talk Proposal follow the guidelines at



  1. David Fu says:

    Hi Mark,

    I would love to join FOSDEM next year!

    What do you think of a “Free Android”/“GNU Android” talk?

    It might or might not work, but I would like to give it a try! :)

    Friend of the Free Java Movement,
    David Fu.

    • Mark Wielaard says:

      Yes, that sounds like a fun talk/project. I have always wondered how much work it would be to create something like “IcedRobot” based on IcedTea instead of Dalvik to get a more java compatible variant of Android.

  2. David Fu says:

    Hi Mark,

    “IcedRobot” sounds like a good name!
    Now we just need a cool logo/mascot ;)

    I’ll write up and submit a talk proposal to FOSDEM.

    Friend of the Free Java Movement,
    David Fu.

  3. David Fu says:

    The Robotic Antarctic Explorer looks interesting, but unfortunately I am not a good artist :(

    Maybe we can hold a “IcedRobot” mascot creation contest and get submissions from the FOSS community?? I am pretty sure there are many creative artists out there (though I am not sure what can be offered as a prize…)!