Archive for March 2012

Automagically merging ChangeLog files with mercurial or git

When a project keeps a GNU style ChangeLog file to keep track of who changed what where then those files can be automagically merged if you use mercurial or git. gnulib contains a module git-merge-changelog which, despite the name, works perfectly with several version control systems. To install it: git clone git:// cd gnulib ./gnulib-tool […]

IcedTea and OpenJDK now part of OIN

The Open Invention Network patent agreement now also covers IcedTea and OpenJDK (see the new System Environment Components list). The covered version of GCC/GNU Classpath/libgcj have been updated to the latest release and various GNU Classpath[X] components have been added. As have the Eclipse SDK and ECJ. This is good news since that means the […]