Archive for December 2019

Proposals for the new GNU/FSF relationship

To: fsf-and-gnu@fsf.orgCC: As volunteers for the GNU Project we are happy that the FSF provides GNU with services like fiscal sponsorship, technical infrastructure, promotion, copyright assignment, and volunteer management. And we note that the FSF is looking for feedback on this relationship going forward: FSF and GNU: To that end we have held […]

Software Freedom Conservancy Interview

As part of the Software Freedom Conservancy Donor Match they did a little interview with me. Please read it and get inspired to Donate or join the Conservancy as a Supporter.

Software Freedom Conservancy Donor Match

I decided to be part of the Software Freedom Conservancy Donor Match this year. Because I believe many more free software communities deserve to have a home for their project at the Conservancy. In their own words: Software Freedom Conservancy is a not-for-profit organization that helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open […]

A public discussion about GNU

New GNU Governance There is now a public discussion about GNU governance issues as described in this LWN article: Rethinking the governance of the GNU Project. We have had private discussion about GNU governance issues for the last couple of decades between GNU maintainers, but that never resulted in actual change. And recent events made […]