Valgrind 3.18.1

We are pleased to announce a new release of Valgrind, version 3.18.1, available from

3.18.1 fixes a number of bugs and adds support for glibc-2.34, and for new platforms x86/FreeBSD and amd64/FreeBSD.  Debuginfo reading is faster, and Rust demangling has been improved. For PPC64, ISA 3.1 support has been completed, and some newer ARM64 and S390 instructions are also supported.  See the release notes for details of changes.  Note, 3.18.0 had no formal release — it was pulled at the last minute due to a packaging problem.

Our thanks to all those who contribute to Valgrind’s development.  This
release represents a great deal of time, energy and effort on the part of many people.

Happy and productive debugging and profiling,

The Valgrind Developers