Happy GNU Year!

A new year a new GNU Classpath release (0.13).

Lots of nice new goodies again: Includes HTTP/1.1 and FTP URL handlers. Added java.beans XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder classes. More than 250 locales are supported now. SAX, DOM, XSL and XPath implementations for javax.xml (JAXP 1.3) have been added. Better Swing and AWT on gtk+ support. An AWT Robot implementation based on the XServer XTest Extension for the gtk+ peers has been added.

22 people are listed in the ChangeLog file and there were 245 commits to CVS since the last release (that is 4.9 commits a day!).

Total Physical Source Lines of Code included in GNU Classpath is up from 248,443 (0.12) to 320,883 (0.13) according to SLOCCount.

Go hackers! Go!