Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

New Fedora Core 4 packages

Take a look at the list of new Fedora Core packages since FC3. Notice anything interesting? No wonder they are going to slip the release date a bit to make sure they have a stable gcc 4.

19 Feb 2005

Escape the Java Trap! The official program for Escape the Java Trap! is finally ready. You are very welcome to join us and learn about the IKVM architecture and how to freely mix and match traditional java and .net applications and libraries, how GNU and Apache developers can and should work together, how you can […]

GNU Classpath @ Fosdem 2005

Make sure you attend! Lots of cool talks about kaffe, gcj(x), GNU Classpath,, Apache, java-gnome, and a guest appearance by the CACAO developers. And lots of fun preparing the goals and priorities for the next year. Please add yourself the the participation list if you will come. And please suggest some discussion topics for […]

Thomas needs a blog

Thomas Fitszimmons needs a blog. So he can post cool screenshots of his work on gcj and libjawt like this one: Go Tom! Go!

New gui branch building

Hint if you use the jhbuild setup from Thomas Fitzsimmons to build the new gcj gui branch. Make sure you add the following lines to your ~/.jhbuildrc file: # We need the latest snapshot branch branches[’cairo’] = ‘SNAPSHOT_0_3_0′ # And the latest gui branch for gcj branches[’gcj’] = ‘java-gui-20050128-branch’ And yes, this allows you to […]

Through the Looking Glass

Robert Schuster makes OpenGL and SDL coolness work with GNU Classpath and JamVM. And Jim Huang makes a X Protocol implementation with alpha blending and translucency work with Kaffe. Sweet screenshots!

Happy GNU Year!

A new year a new GNU Classpath release (0.13). Lots of nice new goodies again: Includes HTTP/1.1 and FTP URL handlers. Added java.beans XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder classes. More than 250 locales are supported now. SAX, DOM, XSL and XPath implementations for javax.xml (JAXP 1.3) have been added. Better Swing and AWT on gtk+ support. An […]

Thank you, Poland!

Please support this initiative! From: Florian Mueller To: Subject: EU software patents: please express gratitude to Poland Please take a minute to visit and express your gratitude to the Polish government for its courageous last-minute intervention in the Council of the European Union against software patents on Tuesday (21 Dec). Poland prevented, at […]

JikesRVM presentation

Michael Hind published his slides from the Free Alternative Runtimes Summit. The Jikes RVM Story (and some well-known myths about dynamic optimization). It was a really good presentation, so go read the slides and learn!

More summit presentations

Bryce Mckinlay published his presentation on free testsuites, the presentation on free desktop libraries (AWT & Swing) by Tom Fitzsimmons and Graydon Hoare and the presentation on GNU gcj by Tom Tromey. Hint – don’t use that template with white text on a dark background. If the beamer isn’t that good or the screen is […]