Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Looking forward to GCC6 – nice new warning -Wmisleading-indentation

The GNU Compiler Collection is making some great progress. Playing with the current development version I cannot wait till GCC6 is officially out. The new warnings look beautiful and are more useful because of the range tracking. Just found an embarrassing bug thanks to the new -Wmisleading-indentation libebl/eblobjnote.c: In function ‘ebl_object_note’: libebl/eblobjnote.c:135:5: error: statement is […]

Copyleft makes the (java) world turn around

Glad to see a little bit more copyleft being adopted by Android now that they are using parts of the OpenJDK class library. Even if the GNU Classpath Exception is probably the weakest form of copyleft there is. It is interesting how the GPL makes frenemies like Oracle and Google work together.

Software Freedom Conservancy

I support the Software Freedom Conservancy because they provide a virtual home for Free Software communities. In their own words: Software Freedom Conservancy is a not-for-profit organization that helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects. Conservancy provides a non-profit home and infrastructure for FLOSS projects. This allows FLOSS […]

Easy Hacks for Valgrind

Last weekend I did a talk on How to start hacking on Valgrind by example at Fosdem which contain some Easy hacks for valgrind. If If you always wanted to hack on Valgrind, but haven’t yet really looked at the code yet, then this might be a nice introduction. Make sure to also read the […]

Appeal to Reason

Bradley M. Kuhn wrote an analysis on the recent Appeals Court Decision in Oracle v. Google. Pointing out who the real winners are and that it will now take years before we will have more clarity: The case is remanded, so a new jury will first sit down and consider the fair use question. If […]

Java bug CVE-2012-4681

There seems to be a nasty bug out there in some implementations of Java 7, including IcedTea7 and OpenJDK7. The bug is very public and being actively abused to circumvent security restrictions. Please upgrade to IcedTea 2.3.1 or build your packages using the patch as discussed on the OpenJDK mailinglists. Note that if you are […]

classpath/icedtea server updates

Some classpath/icedtea servers changed networks/ip addresses on Sunday. Changes should propagate through DNS on Monday. This can cause connection errors to, (buildbot and jenkins) and (hg backups). Apologies for the late notice.

Justice – APIs are not subject to copyright protection

anyone is free under the Copyright Act to write his or her own code to carry out exactly the same function or specification of any methods used in the Java API More on Groklaw.

Pull user-space probe instrumentation

commit 654443e20dfc0617231f28a07c96a979ee1a0239 Merge: 2c01e7b 9cba26e Author: Linus Torvalds Date: Thu May 24 11:39:34 2012 -0700 Merge branch ‘perf-uprobes-for-linus’ of git:// Pull user-space probe instrumentation from Ingo Molnar: “The uprobes code originates from SystemTap and has been used for years in Fedora and RHEL kernels. This version is much rewritten, reviews from PeterZ, Oleg and myself […]

FSF statement on jury’s partial verdict in Oracle v Google

Were it grounded in reality, Oracle’s claim that copyright law gives them proprietary control over any software that uses a particular functional API would be terrible for free software and programmers everywhere. It is an unethical and greedy interpretation created with the express purpose of subjugating as many computer users as possible, and is particularly […]