JavaOne deployment and compatibility talk rejected

Dalibor, Fernando and I had submitted a talk idea for JavaOne, but it got rejected. I have never been to JavaOne and it would have been nice to talk a bit about our compatibility goal there and how to deploy in a Free Software environment. Many people want to deploy and get their programs written in the java programming language included in the major GNU/Linux distros. What we had wanted to present is how you reach millions of users taking some large packages that are now included with Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu as examples (Eclipse, Jonas,, etc). And explain what is possible now, what are the guidelines to follow when you want this for your own project/product, what will be possible in the future, how to check for compatibility, and which extra integration (like the gcj cross compiling to embedded devices or the .net mono bridge) you get for free. etc. Maybe next year.

Free ticket

Weiqi Gao has a nice piece about innovative usage of the GNU Classpath stack. Weiqi notes projects adopting GNU Classpath and free runtimes/compilers like gcj and ikvm get the freedom to move to new kinds of platforms and get new distribution opportunities:

Take a look at the free tools. You may have already won a free ticket to those places (natively compiled executables, .NET environment, bundled with a [GNU/]Linux distributions and end up on millions of computers)! if your code compiles and runs with a free compiler and runtime.

24 Jan 2006

GNU Classpath-Jikes-JamVM on a Nokia 770

More fun experiments to get everything working on small devices. Cool stuff with ready to run arm .deb packages. (Now if I only had such a device… sniff.)

email is such a broken concept

A new list server is in the works. It will be a great update but till it is installed email to some of the classpath mailinglists can take hours to arrive… So we finally decided to move the the lists temporarily to another server. We have several hunderds of subscribers so I hope the move isn’t too disruptive. Please do contact me directly if you have any trouble after the move (scheduled at the end of this day).

Of course at the same day spamcop blacklists and we are getting lots of bounce messages from people using this RBL. And getting unsubscribed by mailman after too many bounces. Bleah. Email is such a broken concept these days. Sigh… All people unsubscribed this way will be resubscribed after the move automatically, but please do check one of the mailinglist archives (see the end of that page for other archives) to see whether you missed any emails.

20 Jan 2006

It’s java-gnome week!

Fun for the whole family! Guess this means next week I need to finally update Snark Gnome. (ben and andrew actually did all the work for that already months ago, I am just lazy…)

GNU Classpath 0.20 released

GNU Classpath

We did it again! :)

New StAX pull parser and SAX-over-StAX driver. Full XMLEncoder implementation. The packages javax.sound.sampled, javax.print.attribute and javax.print.event have been implemented. Lots of new datatransfer, print, swing and swing.text work. Performance improvements in the painting/layout mechanism. Additional 1.5 support, including (separate) generic branch release. SecurityManager cleanups and start of review of all Permission checks. Buildable on cygwin. Fully buildable as “in-workspace” library-plus-vm inside (native) Eclipse. Real world Free Swing and CORBA example added.

Happy hacking!

More builder goodness is getting more goodness. We now have daily builds available (if make distcheck succeeds). So for those of you who want to help test the next (0.20) snapshot release please check the -pre dist tar ball. The autobuilder runs a couple of times a day so it should be fairly fresh. It might also be nice for those people who don’t have easy access to CVS on savannah.


Interesting experiment: micro-libgcj.

micro-libgcj is a lightweight version of the GCJ project’s runtime library (libgcj), intended to provide a usable subset of Java’s features while remaining small and self-contained. Whereas libgcj is intended to be a complete J2SE implementation based on GNU Classpath, micro-libgcj provides only enough functionality to support core Java language semantics.

We started this project with the goal producing small, self-contained executables from a mix of Java and C++, targeting four platforms: Win32 (i386), Mac OS X (PPC), and Linux (i386 and amd64). GCC is an ideal tool for this purpose, since it is widely ported, and its Java and C++ compilers produce ABI-compatible object code.

We consider micro-libgcj to be reliably usable on all four supported platforms, but it has not had enough exposure to be considered stable. We hope to make a stable release once the current beta distribution has seen use in non-trivial applications.

Should be fun to experiment with. See also the gcj mailinglist thread.

05 Jan 2006

GNU Classpath and friends meeting during Fosdem 2006

The official GNU Classpath and friends meeting program is available. Looks like it will be a great event. February 25 and 26 in Brussles, Belgium. And as always there are also a lot of other cool talks to attend during Fosdem 2006.

eclipse-cdt enters debian unstable – JNode 0.2.2

eclipse-cdt entered Debian unstable. Making the ClasspathHackingWithEclipse setup work nicely out of the box on Debian. yeah! (wiki updated)

JNode 0.2.2 was released today. The JNode developers are often quiet (not many posts on the mailinglist, no blogs) but they seem to work very hard.

Happy GNU year!