Dumping your brain
Sven was kind enough to do a little braindump of his thoughts on GNU Classpath Graphics2D Images and Text support.
Sven was kind enough to do a little braindump of his thoughts on GNU Classpath Graphics2D Images and Text support.
Gary did it! (with a little help from jpackage)
It doesn’t look precisely like the example picture yet, but it is getting there.
If you are at LinuxTag, have your laptop with you, and want to see cool GNU Classpath demos please contact Robert Unfortunately my notebook’s harddrive is faulty making it impossible for me to show running application’s :( (I am running Knoppix now) My plan was to show a plain Eclipse from eclipse.org which is compiled […]
Spring, Jetty, and Velocity using GCJ on single board computers We have integrated Spring, Jetty, and Velocity all on a SBC running embedded Linux. We compiled the Spring et al. under gcj 3.3 to native xscale object code. It works beautifully – it’s fast and reliable, with all of the Spring functionality intact. Funky!
GNU Classpath/gcj presentations at LinuxTag If you are near or in Germany please don’t forget to go to LinuxTag this week (22 – 25 June, Karlsruhe). On Saturday 25 June there will be 2 presentations on GNU Classpath/GCJ: Robert Schuster – GNU Classpath (in German) Andrew Haley – GCJ and Classpath: A Free Implementation of […]
Interesting statistics on book sales. Especially in the light of the latest fedora rawhide updates showing lots of free packages going in now based on gcj. Debian/Ubuntu and the rest of the distributions will have to catch up quick. Although I hope the distributions will try to coordinate a bit on naming, versioning, etc. Fedora […]
Finally put up the pictures of Guadec 6 and Fisl 6.0. David Wheeler also posted a nice Travelogue of his trip to Brazil, Fisl, lots of photos and some comments about our presentations. And I stayed until 10pm, because several presentations were about Java implementations. People such as Bruno Souza (president of SouJava, a […]
Robert asks: What is this gcj-jit about? It sounds like an interface to the ahead of time compiler – something like a pseudo jit? Ranjit replies: See: Using gcj as a JIT Compiler For entertainment purposes only: gcj-JIT Andrew’s comments are priceless: You may find this interesting. On the other hand, you may find it […]
Fedora Core 4 released! One of the comments to the The Amazing Fedora Core 4! announcement was: Sweet. OO.o 2.0 and Eclipse in an all-Free-Software distribution. Happy, happy, joy joy! So go and try it out! (Or help test the Debian eclipse packages.)